About Us


PinnStream Ltd was set up early 2015 by two brothers, Richard and Ben Shine. With a combined 40+ years in the IT industry picking up skills ranging from development, coding, systems support to customer support, management and web design, they thought it was high time to strike out and provide a top end service directly to those who need it.


The brothers' thoughts about one another and what their mission is for PinnStream. First up is Ben:

Richard is the technical one. From a young age he has always been interested in all things computers. Natural ability has seen him pick up new technology with relative ease. This coupled with a tenacity to overcome technical challenges and seeing projects through, means PinnStream has a great foundation to always deliver on our promises.

Ben on Richard - May 2015
Ben's mission for PinnStream - "To simply take advantage of the knowledge, skills and experience built up in Industry and leverage up to tackle specific customer problems quickly and efficiently."

Now it is Richard's turn:

Ben provides the artistic, graphical capabilities to PinnStream. Always innovating with new ideas, he processes good communications skills that allow him to articulate these ideas to ensure that everyone understands his ideas and vision. With great attention to detail this will set PinnStream apart from other businesses within the field.

Richard on Ben - May 2015
Richard's mission for PinnStream - "To offer good quality, professional transparent and fair service to all our customers. Providing a great service whether you are a web expert or a complete novice, PinnStream will endevour to meet all our customer needs."